Cooked Aussies Drinking Card Game
Get on the beers and have a laugh with your mates while you’re at it with the Cooked Aussies Drinking Card Game!
When it comes to drinking games, it doesn’t get much truer or bluer than Cooked Aussies! This grownups-only card game is guaranteed to have you and your mates cackling like kookaburras as you drink your way through 300 unique Rule, Vote, Drink, and Categories cards and get cooked as. Watch as your mates do shoeys, show off their best politician impressions, and more, all while you get absolutely bug-eyed to this card game that’s packed full of Australian humour!
How to play the Cooked Aussies Drinking Card Game:
Starting with the host of the party, take turns drawing cards and reading them aloud. Each one has instructions and a quantity of alcohol to drink, making this game super simple to get started at any time!
Rule cards
Do what’s written on the card, ya drongo. Rules can apply to the individual player who picked it up or to the whole group and stay in play until they’re broken. To catch your friends out for longer and get them even drunker, you can also choose to keep rules in play until a new rule is drawn.
Example: The Prime Minister — Lick this card and stick it to your forehead. While it’s stuck there, you can make one Rule everyone must follow and you are immune to other Rule cards. Your reign ends when the card falls off.
Vote cards
After reading the card aloud to the group, start a countdown from 5. Everyone points at the player they think best fits the Vote card and the player with the most votes drinks. Democracy at its finest!
Example: Which player is the most likely to get into a punch-up with a kangaroo?
Drink cards
If the card is applicable to anyone playing, they must drink. Easy!
Example: If you don’t like Vegemite, drink 3 sips.
Categories cards
Players take turns rattling off different answers within the category in a timely manner. A player who repeats an answer that’s already been said or can’t think of one in time drinks. Egging each other on with time countdowns is encouraged — after all, who’s gonna sit around just waiting for a mate?
Example: Flavours of Shapes.
Please drink responsibly.